Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Hike 29 APR 2015 near the C-Trail, off-trail.

This is the week of final exams, and I have been conscripted into the service of several friends who need help moving; or setting up a restaurant; or looking for housing; or needing rides any which way. I'm exhausted, emotionally spent, and I felt ready to implode and offend several people. Instead, I took a short nap, and took a long hike. I went up around the C trail; and rather than taking the trail, I went straight up the hillside. I scrambled up precipices, and pushed harder than I remember pushing for a while. I found some cool, almost-pure iron ore. Most of the hike was off-trail, though
This strange makeshift shelter is tiny, and has a grill in the middle. A smart way to keep flames under control!

This juniper must have had a trunk 18" across. It was quite thick. I believe it is the thickest I've seen on the mountain.

This treetop looks interesting.

The brutal off-trail, then bike trail, led ultimately to the topmost bench along the C Trail.

A chipped arrowhead?

Caterpillars made this silk nest.

They're cute, somehow.

Down the C Trail I go! 8 miles total, and my mood lifted completely.

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