Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Hike 29 APR 2015 near the C-Trail, off-trail.

This is the week of final exams, and I have been conscripted into the service of several friends who need help moving; or setting up a restaurant; or looking for housing; or needing rides any which way. I'm exhausted, emotionally spent, and I felt ready to implode and offend several people. Instead, I took a short nap, and took a long hike. I went up around the C trail; and rather than taking the trail, I went straight up the hillside. I scrambled up precipices, and pushed harder than I remember pushing for a while. I found some cool, almost-pure iron ore. Most of the hike was off-trail, though
This strange makeshift shelter is tiny, and has a grill in the middle. A smart way to keep flames under control!

This juniper must have had a trunk 18" across. It was quite thick. I believe it is the thickest I've seen on the mountain.

This treetop looks interesting.

The brutal off-trail, then bike trail, led ultimately to the topmost bench along the C Trail.

A chipped arrowhead?

Caterpillars made this silk nest.

They're cute, somehow.

Down the C Trail I go! 8 miles total, and my mood lifted completely.

A brisk hike up a bike trail 22 APR 2015

Feeling claustrophobic, I wanted to hike a bit to get some fresh air a few days ago. It was just a little time before sunset, so I rushed a little. It was worth it. I tried going earlier... I went up for only a few minutes with my friend Michael, but had to make an emergency return to town. It's funny what we make time for.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Kanarra Falls 19 APR 2015

Today I went with some tight compadres up the Kanarra Falls, located in Kanarraville, Utah. We got up to about 37.537463, -113.148980
The views were beyond spectacular. On the way up, we noticed the instability of the second "ladder" which is a bit of an exaggeration. It is, in fact, a few logs nailed together loosely, combined with a few ropes with knots in them. My crappy shoes were no match for the slippery timber, but I used my weight to force friction on the way down. The last rung of the "ladder" was broken, so I had to leap a few feet down. A sturdy metal ladder, like at the first falls, would have been supremely welcome. I made it home exhausted, bedraggled, and completely awed. I hadn't made it that far previously. I'm quite proud of how far we made it. We must have only made it about three miles in, but with the extremely varied terrain, it was quite challenging all around. We arrived at the bade around 1:20, and exited close to 5:30, so it was a good tiny excursion. Hunger finally got the best of us, so we chose to turn around.

The entrance to the narrow cliffs is quite breathtaking.

And this compadre opted to use the ropes instead of the ladder provided. I admire his endless courage.

The canyon walls make way for little open areas to enjoy.

Numerous culverts of vegetation abound.

Fallen trees make for excellent landmarks.

These absurd little rocks house a strange short waterfall. The spume does not interact with light accurately, so it looks completely unnatural. I love it!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Colorful Party Time

Last weekend in St. George, the Holi festival was hosted at the Dixie Sun Bowl by the Hare Krishna Temple of American Fork. While the extant group of revelers was not as large as it could have been, I brought my own gang of adventurers for assuredly good times.

Corn starch and dye

 Later that night...
At SUU, there was a Belly Dancing Bonanza, in which some of my dear friends danced, and many more enjoyed from the safety of the stadium seating.